If you are operating a commercial flight with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or, in other words, drone, you are required to study this certificate. SHGM emphasizes that SHT-SHA instructions require prior permission to fly in crowded, crowded or overcrowded environments and therefore require full knowledge of legislation and requirements. Briefly, for commercial flights in residential areas you need permits for flights. You must also present this UAV-0 or UAV-1 certificate at your request.

If the residential areas 50m. If you are flying for an HOBBY in areas where there is no human factor (less crowded rural areas, etc.), you can fly easily by simply making a RECORD in SHGM site.

You may be subject to penal sanctions for failing to comply with the necessary conditions, such as those contained in the SHGM instructions, in the event of an accident in secret flights. For this reason, it is obligatory to obtain relevant trainings from authorized schools in your commercial flights and to install Commercial Pilot Certificate in the SHGM system.